Special Features
Radha Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, a private, Seventeen-year liberal institution that has been at the forefront of Indian higher education since 1992. A member of the Educational Institute, Radha Mahavidyalay..

1. Appealing Officer:
(Principal / Director) (Dr. Vasant Ukinkar, 9423100101, dr.ukinkar@gmail.com)

2. Information Officer:
(IQAC Co-Ordinator) (Dr. Kalpak Dabre, 9503430708, kalpakdabre@gmail.com)

3. Assistant Information Officer:
Name (Ragistrar/Office Person) (Mr. Rajesh Yerpude, 9822613234, yerpude_rajesh@yahoo.com)

No. Name Document Link
1 RTI Act 2005 Click here
2 Rules of RTI Act Click here
3 Format for Application Click here
